Mon Bazou – Fertilizer – How to make

Mon Bazou – Fertilizer – How to make

June 25, 2022 0 By Games-Manuals

You have a bunker and don’t know how to fertilize in Mon Bazou? How to use fertilizer, compost to make it?


Making fertilizer in Mon Bazou is very simple, compost is used to make fertilizer just like in real life and the only ingredient you need is potatoes – just take a bucket of potatoes that have already grown and empty the bucket into the composter (open the lid first) – just point the bucket towards the center of the composter and it will be emptied. Now you have to wait a bit for the fertilizer to be ready and finally just make the fertilizer (depending on whether you purchased the upgrade or not, there is a handle or a button on the composter) – to make the fertilizer pack you need 25% of the finished fertilizer (improved composter ) or 50% (cottage composter).