Dinkum – Fishing guide

Dinkum – Fishing guide

July 18, 2022 0 By Games-Manuals

Fishing in Dinkum is simple, you just need to cast your fishing rod into the water and wait for the fish to catch the bait – this guide will show you how to do it correctly.

Fishing guide

Fishing in Dinkum is not as complicated as it may seem at first. Just find John’s shop and buy a fishing rod from him, then find water where fish are swimming – if there are a lot of fish in the area then good, you will have good fishing. Remember to clear the space of predators so that none of them disturb you while fishing. If you’ve already done that, now here’s a fishing tutorial.


Take a fishing rod and throw the bait into the water, keep watching your float (1 in the screenshot) – if nothing happens, it will look like this.


If it catches your lure (2 in the screenshot) then the float will “glow” – press the left mouse button only once


If the fish calms down (3 in the screenshot), you can hold the left mouse button to start reeling the line.


Spamming with the left mouse button, regardless of whether the fish is calm or not, will also bring you success when it is pulled out of the water without the risk of breaking the line.